(check back later)

Generic Apps


Develop many apps at once that share the same funcionalities.


All apps should have the following funcionalities

Package structure

Generic app components

Data packages

Visualization packages

Develop specific apps

App pipeline

See galley of live apps here https://airtable.com/shrCThQAEq8KHGDR2

Development roadmap https://airtable.com/shr1PJHKuFYcEEdGQ

How to name app repositories

All open source apps live in http://github.com/datasketch and the repositories must comply with the following naming convention http://github.com/datasketch/app_key where key is the unique identifier for each app.

The code of the apps must have the following structure:

TODO The repository http://github.com/datasketch/app_structure contains a sample app you can clone to start off.

Submitting an App for review or publication

We are not yet ready for external contributions. Contact us and we will keep you posted.

Coding guidelines

TODO Add Datasketch R coding guidelines

Suggested .gitignore for apps


Suggested .gitignore for packages

# History files

# Example code in package build process

# RStudio files

# RData

# produced vignettes
